How to Quarterpipe Air Out
In this BMX trick tip you will learn how to Air Out. Approach the quarterpipe at a low rate of speed when you're first learning. Eventually, the faster you go and harder you pump, the higher you'll go. Pull up as your bike leaves the ramp. I would recommend learning on a four-foot quarterpipe and then gradually working your way up. Now that you're in the air, you want to keep your head pointed toward where you plan to come back into the ramp and start your rotation. When you're about to peak, you can tuck, do a table, or just relax. Now that you have hit the peak of your air, you need to spot where you plan to land. Coming back in is the hardest part, because you dont want to case the deck/coping with either wheel, and you don't want to land flat, either. As you come into the ramp, you should come in at an angle, because it will make it easier to corect any mistakes. It alo can be less dangerous.
Now that you're just about to land, you need to stay steady and get ready to pump the transition when you land. If you think you're oing to overshoot the landing, you might want to lean back and put your foot down to keep yourself from going over the bars. If you think you're going to case your back wheel, you should use your legs like suspension and absorb the impact by bending your knees and staying relaxed. But if your front wheel is going to case, try to jump over your bars and run down the ramp or slide down on your knees if you're wearing hardshell kneepads. As you're landing, you'll want to pump to generate speed for the next obstacle. Pumping to generate speed is a very important technique you need learn if you want to link ogether lines with minimal pedaling in between. You can practise by dropping in any ramp or wedge-when you roll down, push with you arms and legs. Ride away and be happy to have accomplished something you have never done. Keep practicing, becasue you can always go higher or develop a beter style to your airs.
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